Who We Are
We are a pioneering company revolutionizing weed control with AI-driven robotic technology. Our innovative platform provides a sustainable, chemical-free solution that eliminates weeds using only water, delivering exceptional efficiency and cost savings for lawn care and agricultural industries.
Why Now?
Weeds are Hard. An MIT study shows traditional pesticides are losing effectiveness. We set out to create a safer, more effective solution—no dangerous chemicals, just results.
A Versatile Solution for Every Need
Our product allows you to attach it to almost any platform (lawnmower, ATV, tractor, etc...).
A Growing Market Opportunity
The $58 billion lawn care market, with weeds making up 56% ($31 billion), is driving growing demand for more effective removal solutions.
Save Money, Save the Planet
Our product guarantees you save 25% in labor costs in the first year alone.
Call to Action (Get Started)
Our innovative platform uses AI and robotics to detect and eliminate weeds on the go—fast, smart, and extraordinarily effective. Powered by only water, it’s 100% organic and mounts seamlessly onto your existing equipment, from lawnmowers to tractors. With a proven ROI of 25% in the first year in labor alone, a single unit can save traditional lawn care companies $26,000 annually while prioritizing sustainability and efficiency.